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Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

The annual open-air concert is traditionally held in Krasnoyarsk at 08:00 p.m. on June 22.

June 22 1941 is one of the saddest days in the history of Russia. On this day, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the Great Patriotic War began.

The lesson that was learned in 1940s still bothers all subsequent generations, as there is nothing more important than peace. This fateful day destroyed all hopes and dreams, split the world, took lives and took away the peace of mind of those who survived.

Today we can see the years of war through eyes of veterans— musicians, writers, motion picture directors, who returned from the front lines. We grew up on their films, songs and poems. Their war memories are forever imprinted in our souls.

Since 2009 we recollect turning points of the war, important battles, and Heroes of the Soviet Union — our townsmen, young soldiers who gave their lives for the country…

Nikolai Mayorov was a soldier and a poet who died in a battle when he was just 22 years old. His lines could serve as a ritornelle of the annual concert: "Don't let them think the dead do not hear, when descendants commemorate their names".
Photo: Ruslan Maksimov
© 2022 Regional State Independent Organization of Culture "Center for International and Regional Cultural Affairs"
  • MON–THU......09:00-18:00
  • FRI..................09:00-16:45
  • lUNCH ............13:00-13:45
  • SAT–SUN........Days off