In spite of the fact that the project's name contains the word "express", this project is lasting and large-scale.
The "Yenisei Express" started its journey in 2010, and till this day continues its annual route throughout the Krasnoyarsk region. The route includes 18 municipal districts: from the northernmost territory of the region, Dudinka, to the southernmost territory of the region, Shushenskoye.
Over the course of two months a cultural delegation covers huge distances to give residents of the Krasnoyarsk region a full access to concerts, workshops and exhibitions brought from the regional capital.
We at the Center organize traveling exhibitions of the State Universal Research Library, the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V. I. Surikov and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Local Lore Museum, non-stop film screenings, master-classes, creative meetings, and concerts with leading music groups of the Krasnoyarsk region.
For 8 years of the project existence, about 220,000 people visited events of the "Yenisei Express".
Every year the number of residents of the region, who are interested and involved in a cultural life, increases. We see real changes in territories' social life. For instance, in the village of Dobromyslovsky of the Idrinsky District the cultural institution "Dobroye" was opened as a result of having the "Yenisei Express" in that territory.
Since 2018, alongside with the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk region, the project involves the regional ministries of sports, health, and social policy in order to expand opportunities of self-development for residents of the region.