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Great Victory Day

The Victory Day in Russia is celebrated on May 9 in memory of millions of people who lost their lives in the Second World War, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War.

The Victory Day is one of the most important and sacred holidays of the year. They often say that there is not a single family in the country who did not lose someone in that war. On this day celebrations and commemorative events are held across the country with military parades taking place in the country’s major cities. The most spectacular one takes place in Moscow’s Red Square.

In Krasnoyarsk the events dedicated to the Victory Day are organized by the team of the Center for International and Regional Cultural Affairs. The celebration includes the concert program and the annual Victory Day military parade in the Revolution Square that is visited by Krasnoyarsk citizens, veterans and honored guests, and is broadcast on the regional channel. The songs and dances about soldiers and Homefront workers of the Great Patriotic War bring us back to the postwar time. The main concert takes place near the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic on the Mira Square. Every year the concert program is different. The traditional final song is the Victory Day song performed by all artists to the sounds of fireworks.

The Victory Day military parades in major Russian cities, including Krasnoyarsk, are followed by marches in the tribute to the Immortal Regiment by thousands of citizens carrying pictures of relatives who fought in the war.
Photo: Maksim Kosov, Ruslan Maksimov, Alexandr Paniotov
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